Biology and Psychology: Neurons are specialized cells
making up the nervous system; more than 100 billion structured somewhat like
trees communicate using chemical neurotransmitters. The cell body of a neuron
contains the nucleus, which directs the work of the cell. So, in a sense,
everything breaks down into bio-chemicals in your brain. Ever heard…”you are
what you eat?” May be some truth to it after all. ;-) Glial
cells support the neurons providing nourishment. Dendrites,
perhaps hundreds, extend from the cell body to receive messages from other
neurons. Axons, actually One per neuron, send messages to other
neurons; get longer during maturation, and may extend several feet in length
and have several branches. The Myelin Sheath, a
white fatty tissues insulates many neurons in sausage-like segments. Afferent
Neurons are sensory neurons which send messages to your brain. Efferent
Neurons are motor neurons that send messages from the brain to your
muscles; ever place you hand on a very hot or sharp surface? Assignment #1: Imagine taking a
bite of a juicy apple or driving a race car. Briefly discuss the role that
each part of the brain plays in this these acts. #2: What is the
advantage of knowing that a mental illness is caused by a neuro-chemical
problem? #3: Be familiar with the
major parts and lobes of the brain. |